Lee Lee Arts + Design is an illustration and design brand created by me, Ashlee Nobel. My artwork promotes self care, mindfulness, and a love of nature, reminding you each time you slip on one of our shirts or sit on your couch with our fluffy pillows. Create good energy and good energy will come back to you.
I illustrated all of the artwork you see on the site and then put them on products you can bring into your home. I partner with trusted fulfillment companies that print and hand craft each item. This is an eco-friendly business model because we only produce what you buy, therefore keeping more clothing out of land fills.
Whether working on a computer, with a pencil, or a calligraphy pen, I'm my happiest when creating. After 10 years in the graphic design industry, I decided to follow my dreams of going out on my own, creating Lee Lee Arts + Design. I went back to my roots of drawing and painting, pulling inspiration from my favorite things: plants, traveling, animals, and creating good energy in the world. I photograph things I enjoy while traveling and then use them for inspiration in my art.
Your purchase will support a working artist's goal of creating for a living.